After nearly 4 years, I’ve returned to my abandoned website and with new project ideas that would actually be nice to host on this site, or at least better than my old p5.js college assignments I have on my projects tab.
I’ve decided to sharpen my knowledge in Machine Learning and MLOps by creating a ML application that can predict the success of a submission on the Paper Mario subreddit. Specifically, it would train a regression model that predicts the upvote ratio of a post given (but not limited to) data such as the title and body of the submission. For the model itself I plan to use a XGBRegressor and create features from the text fields using spaCy. The main focus for this project will be to enable the model to serve predictions for requests sent from this site and implement a full CI/CD pipeline for development on the model.
With that said, I’m gonna have to also brush up on my web development skills to host it on this site because like I said it’s been nearly 4 years…